Media Releases

The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) is calling on Commonwealth public sector staff to participate in Australia’s first Commonwealth Integrity Survey. 

The online survey asks Commonwealth public sector employees approximately 30 questions that focus on their knowledge, experiences and perceptions of integrity and corruption issues in their agencies.

The survey fills a gap in the Commonwealth public sector integrity landscape. Data exists on experiences of fraud and corruption by agencies, but the Commonwealth Integrity Survey focuses on the experiences and perceptions of staff members. This combined data will provide a more accurate picture of unreported corruption as well as integrity risks.

NACC Deputy Commissioner Nicole Rose said:

‘Public officials have direct personal observations of their agency and knowledge of the Commonwealth public sector that can provide valuable insights into integrity and corruption. The survey will provide essential data for tracking trends in perceptions of corruption and agency corruption risks, and inform anti-corruption strategies.’

The 15-minute survey is open for 5 weeks, from 19 August to 20 September 2024. 

Participation is completely voluntary and all information is de-identified. Employees of participating agencies each receive an invitation containing a link to the online survey. The survey does not collect personal data and participants are asked not to identify themselves or others in their responses.

‘We want to empower staff to provide frank and fearless answers knowing that their responses will not be linked to them,’ Deputy Commissioner Rose said.

An external service provider is managing the survey. They will provide data back to agencies in de-identified reports. Smaller agencies may receive an aggregated report to ensure the anonymity of respondents.

‘We know the importance of basing anti-corruption work on strong evidence. We urge all Commonwealth public sector employees to help us build that evidence base.’ 

The survey is not the right place to make a report of suspected corrupt conduct. To make a report to the NACC, visit or call 1300 489 844.

About the National Anti-Corruption Commission

The National Anti-Corruption Commission enhances integrity in the Commonwealth public sector by deterring, detecting and preventing corrupt conduct involving Commonwealth public officials. It does this through education, monitoring, investigation, reporting and referral.